Another great article Ruth! Very thought provoking and such a good reminder of so many things to be grateful for. One of my favourite sources of gratitude is any time I go for a run in Regents Park. Costs nothing, but I had to be fortunate enough to live in London! 🏃‍♀️🙂🙏

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Thanks Steph, and a great example of the interplay of luck and good fortune. Keep running Steph, x

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Great blog Ruth and what a superb weekend you had! We've just enjoyed a fantastic holiday - days on the beach, crab fishing, ice cream, bike ride (finished with more ice cream) and two books enjoyed (that hasn't happened in a long time!). I took am counting my blessings 😁 See you soon x

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Ahh thanks Siobhan. And what a wonderful holiday yours sounds! Truly memorable, simple and special things. What a wonderful time to spend with your family. Count them, bank them and yes, see you soon x

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Love your blogs Ruth xx

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Ahh thanks Sharon. I really appreciate your reading them and friendship x

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Lucky...... to have you a a friend! x

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That’s such a beautiful thing to say. Thank you hunk. Backatcha 😘x

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It was perfect but very simple and the sun shone brightly to top it all❤️👙🥂🚴‍♀️🐮🔥🐶🏊‍♀️

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